Everlasting Love

Love is a beautiful thing, especially when it’s genuine and everlasting. Nowadays, it’s harder for people to have a genuine love for a person. We are living in a century where divorce is common and it’s easy to find a couple that don’t actually even like each other. People are happier to settle down with someone as opposed to actually finding a person they love with all their heart. Romance is a concept that has been less important throughout recent centuries. The days of heartfelt romantic dinners, dates and gestures have been replaced with Starbucks and Nando’s dates along with alcoholic nights out and one night stands.

One love I have been privileged to witness is my grandparents. It makes me feel better to know that everlasting love does actually exist, even though it’s through the eyes of an older generation. This was complemented by the 60th wedding anniversary they celebrated last week. 60 years of genuine love and marriage! It’s hard to come by these days. Grandad is now 94 years young and Granny is 82. They’ve been happily married and rared eight children at the same time. They complement each other so perfectly, and it’s the closest I’ve seen to a perfect marriage.

The famous couple themselves!

Unfortunately, I missed the anniversary celebrations due to my recent circumstances. This was hard for me as I had attended the previous two celebrations that occurred – Grandad’s 90th birthday and the 50th wedding celebration. It made it harder to deal with due to the fact that there may not be another chance for a group family celebration such as this. Grandad is 94 now, so it’s impossible to tell how many years are left in his long illustrious life. Let’s hope there are plenty more healthy years to follow though! But as they said themselves, it’s impossible for everyone to be there now seeing as all the grandchildren are growing up. University, travels, work and other commitments have made it harder for us to attend and unless the time is right it’s near impossible. This occasion saw me and another grandchild miss out through living abroad.

I can imagine deep down that this was disappointing for our grandparents, who would have loved for us to be there, but they understandably knew it wasn’t to be. The great thing about this occasion though is the collective presence of the majority of family members and close friends all in the same area. It’s always a brilliant celebration with food, music and general happiness all around. The previous celebration, which I was in attendance for, was grandad’s 90th birthday. Myself and two other grandchildren, who are similar in age to me, felt it necessary to wear matching grey suits in an attempt to act older and more sophisticated. We may not necessarily act older but we certainly looked the part! It’s safe to say we don’t look as baby faced as we used too also.

The three stooges at the previous celebration – Grandad’s 90th.

Thankfully, we now have Facebook and a mobile phone I can call family members with. I may not have been there for the 60th wedding anniversary but I was well documented with photos and information. So luckily for you I can share these with you!

The occasion occurs in the same place every time, a hotel in a lovely village in our local city. My grandparents have a specific love for this venue, hence why the last three celebrations have taken place here. To be fair, I can see why they love it. The actual venue itself looks lovely and we have never had any problems as such there. The three course meal isn’t bad either, which is always a plus. The meal is always followed up by a presentation of music and talents of dance, comedy and so on. We have quite a musical family, so this is usually packed full of talents and my grandparents enjoy the view and ‘talent show’ if you want to call it that.

This was then followed up by the cake and speeches, which are usually beautiful. Grandad has a wonderful way with words and is a very witty character. The cake looked particularly delicious! Unfortunately I didn’t get to try it. I was hoping for a slice in the mail in Tarragona but that wasn’t to be! From what I heard, it was another wonderful occasion. I don’t think that was ever in doubt though.

Overall, it was wonderful to see all the photos and hear that everything went well. I’m sure my grandparents cherished every moment of it, as will every family member. Especially Grandad, who will be very keen to hold tough for the 70th anniversary. Let’s hope for good health and numerous more years of happy marriage and everlasting love.

Do you think true love and long lasting marriages can happen in this day and age? Or is this a thing of past? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I’m curious to hear your opinions. 


111 thoughts on “Everlasting Love

  1. I love this post! My grandparents have also been married for a very long time, and they were high school sweethearts. I always look to them as an example of the type of love I want to experience. You’re right, though… It doesn’t seem as if it’s very common nowadays with divorce, and the way the younger generations treat “relationships.” However, I try to have hope that the love we witness from our grandparents can still be possible today. You’re a great, talented writer.

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    1. Thanks 🙂 That’s lovely to hear, true love does exist for sure in older generations! It’s very different and I’m surprised the concept of love and romance was something we threw away as such. It can be possible if the person thinks it can be, there’s still hope! I really appreciate that, too nice 🙂

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      1. I do wish love and romance didn’t shift so drastically from what the older generations had and experienced. Their love was pure, beautiful, and everlasting. I guess I’m old fashioned, but I would rather find and have true love than the “love” and romance practiced by my generation. I do hope that love is out there somewhere!

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      1. True, if you don’t know yourself then the worst time to find out is when you’re having to invest time in another. I can see how that would cause conflict and neglect. Good advice! 🙂

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  2. I do believe that true love and forever partners exist. But I’ve never found it. I’m so sad that you weren’t able to attend the festivities. But I’m sure your grandparents understand. You are lucky to still have grandparents though. My last grandmother passed about 35 years ago and I miss her terribly. Cherish these years with them and if you get the chance, please send them best wishes from the west coast of Canada. Cheers! 🙂

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    1. I believe it exists also but it’s sort of being drowned in an unromantic society. Very lucky and I’m sure they did. Sorry to hear, it’s hard to lose someone you will dearly. I’ll be sure to cherish every moment and I will of course. 🙂

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  3. Great story! I think true love and long-lasting marriages still exist in today’s age, maybe it’s just harder to come across. It seems like your grandparents grew up in simpler times, while the modern dating scene has become somewhat more complicated. Oh well.

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    1. I guess so. I hope it does exist because it would be a terrible thing to lose. Definitely, past times were a lot different to present day. Maybe the situations they had made it easier for love to flourish. We will just have to adapt and make the most of it.

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  4. Lovely post! What an inspiring couple and kudos to you for noticing all those details that not everyone near that, does. It does seem like true genuine love is rare these days. A single friend posted what it’s like to date these days and it made my head spin after I read it.

    I’ve been to 2 weddings where, In The Ceremony, the preacher actually said that marriage has “..nothing to do with love, that it is an important business contract they are entering into that will hopefully remain strong through friendship…”

    Many marriages I see are agreements of convenience while one or the other is sneaking around behind the other’s back.

    My aunts and uncles had good marriages and the respect and love they showed each other was amazing. They all said though, it’s about giving and compromising. I’m not sure many understand how to do that, or want to…

    I’m so glad you’ve witnessed a good relationship. 🙂 It’s rare and quite a gift. ❤ 🙂

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    1. Thank you. It’s best to never let beautiful and inspiring details like go to waste. I always keep a watchful eye on things like that! Times have changed so much. Wow, that’s an extravagant and interesting way to explain marriage lol. I agree, it has to work both ways but people can be selfish in a way. As am I, I’m lucky and I’ve learnt so much from it. Thanks for this comment, it was really nice! 🙂

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  5. This is beautiful! My grandparents celebrated their 50th anniversary before my grandfather passed. They are my relationship role models- they never went to bed angry, always made time for romance, and never took themselves too seriously. 🙂

    I think true love and everlasting marriages can still exist in today’s world- I think they take a lot more work than people expect. Especially in today’s instant-gratification type of world, a lot of people don’t have the patience for bad times. They want an easy fix. It’s just my theory, but I think that if you’re able to remain committed even through the challenging chapters of life, you’re golden. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thank you 🙂 That’s wonderful to hear they had 50 years of loving marriage! Sorry to hear he’s passed, I’m sure you loved him dearly! All great combinations and something to certainly strive for in your own life 🙂 Yes, people think it’s easy nowadays and overlook the effort you need to give and actual connection you need to have with a person. I totally agree though, it’s a really good theory. You have to take the bad with the good, others you’ll only ever have the bad! Brilliant comment 🙂


  6. Oh my ….what a wonderful couple ….an example to us all …and what a beautifully written tribute to your grandparents and everlasting love …Thankyou for sharing this Dean …heartwarming reading for a Sunday evening and here’s wishing that your grandparents have many more anniversary’s to come …and that you too will find such a relationship one day:)

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    1. I know, they’re fantastic! Thanks so much, it’s very inspirational to me so I felt it was right to share it 🙂 I hope so too, and more healthy happy years to follow! As with you also! Thanks for the comment 🙂

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  7. It’s somewhat “old fashioned,” but it’s still possible. My parents would’ve celebrated 60 years of marriage in 2014 (my father passed in April 2013). I still celebrated with my mother on their anniversary (she passed February 2015). My in-laws were married over 60 years (my mother-in-law passed in 2014). My husband and I have been together for 27 years and my sister has been with her husband for over 33 years. I think the problem comes with too many “me” generations where people only thought about themselves and their own happiness. Thanks to technology and reality t.v., our children have grown up in an “instantaneous and disposable” society where you just simply toss out the things you don’t want anymore if you’re not instantly gratified and/or don’t feel like taking the effort to make a relationship work. (However, domestic violence and spousal abuse is a completely different issue that I won’t get in to here – all the women in my family have been victimized.) There’s a lot of sacrifice and compromise that comes along with a relationship. Being a parent proves that even more!

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    1. I hope so anyway! Wow, that’s fantastic to hear. I’m glad they had 60 years of loving marriage! That’s really nice of you, and I’m sure you loved and miss them dearly. All this is very encouraging to me, it shows that if you want it to work then it can. Exactly. It’s a selfish generation and we need to break free from that mindset. You have to give to get in my opinion. Unfortunately, it’s true when you say that children these days are being brainwashed as such in thinking what they see is OK. This was a very inspirational comment and I hope people can learn from the elder generations and bring back true love and romance.

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  8. oh my goodness Dean this is one of my very favorite posts Ive read in the months Ive been here on wp!! you have such a sweet heart and a lovely way of telling a story! well done! 🙂

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  9. Love it. Long lasting marriages takes a strong desire for commitment and sacrifice. An eternal amount of forgiveness, temptation is at an all time high. So it definitely is possible, I believe. 🙂

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  10. Out of the mouths of babes comes such hope for the future. Not calling you a baby, but you’re very young compared to me, widowed and almost 60. Keep the heartfelt hope my dear, and then go out and change things one tiny ripple at a time. Just look back into history when all appeared bleak and someone had a romantic thought and told someone and they told someone and one day there was change.. I truly believe that true love is still possible in this age of technology, it just takes you… One person to plant a seed of hope for the masses…

    This post is so beautiful and I feel honored that you shared such a lovely occasion with us here on WordPress.. Take care Dean and have a delightful ripple making day….


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    1. That was a great line, I took no offence to it don’t worry I understood! I’m only 21 so the gap is quite substantial. You must understand this topic very well so your comment is held high to me! This is so true though, it only takes one person with the will power to change a nation’s perceived notion on an area. I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels like romance needs to be brought back to old times, so hope is always alive. I will always strive for this concept and never change. I can only hope others will see and follow. It was a pleasure to share it with you, I’m glad you liked it. Thank you for this comment Laura, it made my day 🙂

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  11. This is beautiful! It is so rare to see this kind of love now…but I do have faith that it exists. What an amazing milestone to witness. Congratulations to them.

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  12. I think true love and good marriages are still possible today.
    I think it is a matter of good values. You must want to keep the flame of love on. The marriage is not always easy, but if you have solid values and you are willing to continue accepting, loving and taking care of your wife (or husband, of course) the marriage can be happy!
    All the best for your blog (and thank you for following mine!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure they are, but it’s rare I feel. I agree that love should be a priority and that you shouldn’t ever lose that core value. The question I always ask myself though is that are people willing to put in that effort. I hope they do, and I’m sure many people nowadays keep to these concepts, but romance isn’t like it used to be! Same to you, and thanks for this comment 🙂

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  13. Lovely. Just lovely. My grandparents made it to 50 years, and one of the most endearing things about them was the way my grandma would say ‘Oh, Harry!’ any time he made a ‘colourful’ joke. It was so sweet to see two people who so delighted in each other. I am in full agreement about our youth-obsessed culture. We could all take a full chapter out of our elders’ books, as opposed to seeing them as an inconvenience to be ignored.

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    1. Thank you! That’s wonderful to hear, and it is lovely that they had such an inspiring affect on you. I’m glad you can relate to me also. I totally agree, we could learn so much from our elders and realistically should be very eager too!

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    1. That’s great to hear. It#s wonderful when someone isn’t swayed by present day society! I’d like to think true love exists also. Oh stop, I’m blushing haha. Thank you again 😀

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  14. A lot of my grandparents (and their siblings) have unfortunately not lasted as long, and I think that has to do with the environment in which both sides grew up. Sometimes it works out that way, sadly enough.

    On the other hand, my Dad and stepmom are absolutely wonderful! Unless something dramatic happens (and I seriously doubt it will), they will be together as long as they can.

    Either way, congratulations to your grandparents! They look very nice together, and I’m sure they have had a lot of adventures.

    A very sweet post all around.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry to hear, I’m sure you loved them very dearly. That’s wonderful to know, I hope for many lovely years in regards your family! Thank you, they had a wonderful time. I can imagine they did and I don’t even know the quarter of it!

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    1. I’m really sad to hear, hope you’re OK. All my best wishes are given to you at this time. 38 years of marriage is wonderful, that’s really inspiring.


  15. This is truly beautiful. It’s really sad how few couples stay together nowadays and it’s always reassuring to find the ones who do. It reminds me that there is hope for love in the world and not just the inevitable ‘divorce’ or ‘sticking with it for the kids.’ I can only hope I find something as wonderful as love that lasts decades. Thank you for sharing.

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  16. True love most certainly continues to happen in this day and age, should you be able to believe in it.

    The simple truth is that it’s far harder to achieve anything in life, that you first cant believe you can achieve.

    Many people have now lost their faith in love, ergo.. They don’t find it.

    Just my two cents.

    Thanks for sharing a beautiful romance.


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    1. Exactly, anything is possible with belief and hard working. I guess people just don’t enjoy having to put in the effort, instead presuming true love will just fall onto their laps. Thank you for the comment.

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      1. Nothing in life will fall on your lap, apart from perhaps your head, should you give up hope.

        Hard work, perseverance and faith in love are the three key routes to finding true love, happiness and success.

        Please do stay in touch Dean. Thanks for your response.

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  17. I do believe that true love still exists nowadays. It’s just that.. it will take time for you to find your happiness and the so called one great love 🙂

    @CallMeRiina from Ph.

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  18. Well written.. True love us still there, see you yourself is writing An example of it.. Lovely couple.. Happy faces..
    You cannot find true love it will come and by the time you knew it you’ve already fallen..

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  19. Through your piece,you have perfectly thrown light on the reality of marriages that do not work out well!
    Well,I feel really happy to say that in India,the divorce rate is the least and we have innumerable examples of everlasting marriages.:)

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    1. Thanks, I wanted to write a piece about this as I thought it was an important topic! Especially nowadays. That’s wonderful to hear, I’m glad the Indian culture has take that route 🙂

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  20. I think true love is still exist ^^

    I think true love is when loving someone because God or belong to God

    I love my parents because God ^^
    I love my brother/sister because God

    And many more

    #greeting from Indonesia
    #my english is good enough to understand, right?

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  21. Your grandparents are such an inspiration!! 60th wedding anniversary! Awesome! I keep my fingers crossed that hopefully at some point there could be true love and long term marriages in our time (as much as divorce rates and the flippancy of modern relationships make me doubt)…but never say never…

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    1. Thank you, they really are! It’s great to see and I hope they have many more healthy years! It’s a possibility for sure but I’m very sceptical towards it. I’m living in hope as opposed to confidence that it will happen haha.

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  22. I would like to believe that there is still hope for genuine everlasting love in this day and age. One true, genuine, everlasting love that has been with us for over 2000 years is God’s love for us. He is and will always be the one example of sacrificial and unconditional love.
    God can create miracles so I do believe if there are people in his plan to have everlasting and genuine love, it will happen. Thank you for sharing your grandparents love with us

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    1. I’m positive it is out there, but it’s not easy to come by which is disappointing. Very true, people tend to overlook that the most. It’s also the most blatant example of true love. No problem, thank you for this lovely comment. I really enjoyed reading it 😀

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  23. This is such a wonderful post, and so great to see that after all these years they are still totally in love with one another! Yes, I do think that true love and long lasting marriages can happen in this day and age, but I do think, unfortunately, that people are more apt in this day and age to get a divorce rather than work things out and stay together no matter what, which is terribly sad.

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    1. Awh thanks, that means a lot! It’s a wonderful sight and I love to see it! Makes you appreciate it even more. I believe so too but it’s very hard to find in this day and age. I hope we can go back to the old days in relation to love!

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  24. Great words! You asked for opinions, so I’ll give you mine. I believe that we, as a society, have become spoiled and expect everything to be easy, If it’s not, we give up without much trying. Real love is not just something that happens to you. It is a DECISION that takes a great deal of work. You may “fall” in love, but you “decide” to stay in love. I have been married to my husband for forty-five years. There have been times when loving each other was difficult, but we made the decision early on that we would work for our marriage. That and our faith in Christ has made all the difference. Thank you for your respect for longevity.

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    1. Thank you for your opinion, I appreciate that you have taken the time to give me your view on it. Totally agree, people don’t want to fight and just take the easy option. It has to mutually work both ways because if one person or both or slacking it inevitably goes pear shaped. That’s wonderful to hear, I’m really happy for you both! Thank you for this comment, it was lovely to read.

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  25. This post is so beautifully written. Perhaps I’m just a hopeless romantic, but I do believe that true love still exists and lasting marriages can still happen. My parents have been married for over thirty years. I just think it’s harder to find someone who is willing to fight for a relationship. It’s just easier to walk away and find someone new.

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    1. That means a lot, thank you! I agree with you but it’s quite rare to find. I hope it still exists! That’s really good to hear, I’m sure that trait will pass down to you. People don’t like the fight and tend to take the easy options in life.

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  26. When two people are equally committed to each other and their marriage, yes, it is possible today, and through all of the tomorrows to be. There are shifts, changes, compromises, disagreements, joy and sorrows. Yet through perseverance love conquers all.

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  27. I have an eternal flame for beautiful women! More seriously, I probably could have gone down that path when young, but chose the wild side; don’t regret it, but wonder what the other life would have been like!? If it’d worked I’d probably be more comfortable and warm now, but would probably be wondering where the wild life would’ve led! I think we need more than one life to fit everything in, and that seems to be growing in the modern world, with more opportunities, as you allude to in your post.

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    1. Yeah it is very interesting to look at it from that angle! The what ifs 🙂 I guess it’s hard to have it both ways! Could not agree more, but we just have to make the most of what we have!

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  28. It’s amazing to be able to grow up among an example like that. I’ve seen it too, 2 people married for many many years, still loving and caring for each other, and it’s so beautiful to see.
    I do believe it still exist. I can’t not believe that. I do know it’s not easy, and it’s easier now to back out when it gets hard. But I will never stop believing in true love, someone you will always fight for.

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    1. I agree, it’s a perfect example and hopefully it rubs off on me! That’s wonderful to hear! It is better to believe than not believe, as hope is essential 🙂 I’m glad you think like that and I see it in the same way! Here’s hoping 🙂


      1. You can’t have the things you don’t believe in 😉 it’s like believing you’re not worth anything, which will result in people thinking you’re not worth much. Like believing you’ll never be happy, so you won’t. If you believe you can make a relationship work and put in a bunch of effort and respect each other, listen to each other, and forgive each other every now and then, then it will work out, if that person wants to do those same things.

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