Accepting Sacrifice

Lately, I’ve been thinking about a few barriers that have been presented in my life. Unexpected barriers, but ones that I have had to overcome. In doing so, I have allowed myself to become more open to the word ‘Sacrifice’. I think people tend to look towards sacrifice as being a bad thing, when it can in fact be a positive. That is if you allow it to be!

The whole idea of sacrificing something is to give it up in order to act in a more considerate way. It is very apparent that people don’t tend to sacrifice for the greater good in this day and age. I hate to say it but we are living in a selfish generation where people will look towards their wants as opposed to their actual needs. We live in a generation where someone will put themselves under financial strain or pressure to satisfy their needs – buying that fancy 47-inch TV and struggling to pay their bills at the end of the month. A society where satisfying your own actions are more important than the broader picture. A picture where sacrifice is important in order to live a more happy and prosperous life. If you think about it this way, having everything you want and not sacrificing will only make you want more. Expect more. Whereas a little bit of sacrifice here and there will allow you to step back and appreciate the more important things in life. I’ve learnt this lately through mistakes I was about to make.

An Important quote to live by. Photo Credit: Google
Sacrifice is not only about the materialistic objects in life, but the personas us as a generation have developed. We are being saturated with fancy goods and selfish mindsets. Consideration towards other people and distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong doesn’t come into play anymore. It’s very much a society of act now and accept possible consequences later.

I am now speaking from my own personal experiences in relation to sacrifice. It’s only now that I realised the mistake I was about to make. I’ll admit that in terms of materialistic goods, I wasn’t shy to sacrifice (apart from the one indulgence I made recently, which was well-earned) but in terms of my life and how I acted as a person, sacrificing was a little harder to come by for me. I’d have no problem giving up buying a fancy phone for an old, reusable phone I found in a cupboard throughout the years – but if you asked me to sacrifice a night out in order to pick up my brother, chances are I’d be in the club. I’m not afraid to admit it and looking back now it’s not the best trait to develop. It’s one I am fixing and have learnt a lot lately in terms of sacrificing at times. At the end of the day, if you give something up in the present, it’s likely the favour will be remembered and returned in the future. It’s nice to be nice, and this phrase really does come into my mind when thinking about sacrifice.

As you are all aware, I was going to (and in fact did) indulge in a fancy iPhone 7 Plus. This was going to cost me quite a substantial amount of money. A 400 euro upright fee plus 40 euro a month over two years, which adds up to an extra 960 euro and that’s if you don’t go over your data usage! A total of 1360 euro out of the back pocket. Did I even consider this in relation to my budget? Not at all, I was getting the phone and that was that.

The problem with this was that I was currently paying the bank back a student loan which I had taken out in the middle of September 2016. This loan was for the amount of 1,500 euro and allowed me to buy a car that I badly needed. I was paying it back in monthly installments over a two year period. This was a huge priority of mine and I understood the concept of having to pay this back each month without fail. Failure to do this would affect my credit rating, further loan opportunities and overall respect with the bank. When you add on top of this the weekly petrol I had to put into the car, the insurance payment and the money I owed my parents, my monthly bill was pretty hefty. It doesn’t help when you’re only working a part-time job too (with very unreliable hours), as well as juggling training and college in between.

So, instead of putting all that money I had earned into the bank loan I decided to indulge in a fancy phone. Priorities right? No, very much wrong. The problem with this was that I didn’t even realise the huge mistake I was making until the situation with the phone occured, which saw me having to return it. I was completely blinded by my own selfish needs and failed to looked at the bigger picture. Luckily enough, fate intervened in a way and saw me not spend all that money on the phone – instead opting to refix my sisters old phone for 30 euro. Big difference I know! Where did the money go? Where it should have gone in the first place, my student loan. I managed to knock off over 2/3rds of the loan in one payment. I now currently have 480 euro to pay back, which is very good considering it’s a two year period loan that was only taken out in September. It’s a relief if anything and I’m confident of paying off the loan fully this month. It made perfect sense to try and get rid of the loan first, and then possibly think about saving for a phone if it fits the budget. Sacrificing the wants for the needs. The possibility was that I would have been in huge financial strain if I bought that phone but the more prominent problem was that I was going to overlook this and forgot about the sacrifice. It’s a problem I’ve learnt to acknowledge hugely and will always play on my mind in further, which is technically a good thing.


The phone I fixed up for €30
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that it’s ok to give up something in order to concentrate on the more important things in life. You need to look at whats right for you and forget about what others have. The world isn’t all about materialistic values, so don’t get bogged down if your friend has an iPhone 7 and you don’t. Look at the bigger picture. Get your priorities right first, sacrifice in the moment and by all means indulge in yourself from time to time as long as it fits your budget. I’m not saying you can never enjoy materialistic goods, but make sure you don’t overlook those important factors that are hidden to you at first. Sit back and take the time to work out if this is the right or wrong thing to do, instead of rushing into a decision. Learn to sacrifice from time to time and I promise you that you’ll live a more enjoyable and appreciative life.

Have you ever had to sacrifice something in life or never sacrificed and regretted it? Let me know in the comments below. I’m intrigued to know your personal experience on the topic! 

Make sure to check me out on Facebook and like the page if you enjoy 🙂 — Build a Dean

95 thoughts on “Accepting Sacrifice

  1. I’m enjoying your blog, Dean. There’s some big wisdom here for one so young (I’m almost 50). I teach at a college in Canada and have been teaching my students about the art of gratitude and mindfulness. For many of them, these are new practices. It seems you are well ahead of the game. I look forward to following your progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, that means a lot! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading my posts. It’s great to hear that you teach people on these specific topics, and I can see this in your blog which is very helpful. You give great advice and I enjoy reading. I appreciate that comment and look forward to sharing more with you.


    1. I guess it can be seen as a natural habit that we have incorporated into our lives. We need to become more open to the topic though. Thank you, I’m also very glad and it’s a huge relief.

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      1. Lovely. Liked to see that you are not stereotyped and and give yourself flexibility to come out of un-necessary restrictions. That’s only expected from a true sportsperson. BTW… I did not notice the pink color and its significance earlier till you pointed it out in your comment.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks. I know for certain that a lot of people would use there sisters pink phone through shame but I’m perfectly OK with it. It saves me buying a new one and works perfectly. That’s goof to hear so!


  2. BTW…. I believe that it is quite natural that our preferences keep on changing with time. It is our passion that decides what could lead us to satisfaction at the moment and how much sacrificing will help us or make us regret later for our decision.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true, and it’s about accept those changes and learning from them. Seeing the results and knowing whether it was the right choice or the wrong choice. Thanks for this comment, it was lovely!

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    1. That’s true, it’s tricky at times but you just have to believe in your end decision and go with it. I’m perfectly ok with rewarding yourself but
      It has to be done in a sensible manner. I totally agree with your comment though. Thank you!


  3. The sacrifice is ridiculously hard to accomplish…especially, and strangely, with money, at least for me. I’ve gotten myself into financial ruin before over some bad decisions. Greed actually makes us sacrifice more in the long run. Awesome post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s always difficult, especially at the beginning. As with anything though it takes time. Once you begin to look at the wider picture and put greed aside it becomes easier. Thanks!

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  4. You learned a lesson there, and that is the great thing about life. None of us are perfect, but if you can take a step back and see everything for what it is, it is amazing how much you can accomplish. I have student loans that I will be paying back for at least the next 10 years. I still have a phone with a sliding keyboard and no data plan. I paid off my car last year and instead of trading it in like I originally planned, I opted to keep it and drive it until I can’t anymore. I have been learning to sacrifice as well, and I have been such a happier person for it. I don’t even pay attention to what other people have anymore. If I find a high ticket item I want, I make a plan to get it instead of having to get it right now. Priorities really are a great thing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, it’s possible the best way to learn a lesson. Very true, it allows you to see the bigger picture and really let yourself think about the decisions you’re making – thus allowing you to appreciate it more in the end. It’s good to hear you’re being sensible and economical. I’m happy that you’re making inroads in your loan! It makes you appreciate the better things in life 🙂 Thank you for this comment, it was enjoyable to read 🙂

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  5. Appreciate your thoughts and perspective Well, here sacrifice is actually to gain our peace of mind and avoiding unnecessary tensions. So in true sense, we are setting our priorities right to enjoy whatever life is bringing us to.

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  6. The way I see it, you need sacrifices in your life sometimes, but not all the times. If you keep denying yourself little luxuries sometimes, there will come a day when you’ll be frustrated to the extent that you may end up soing something that goes horribly wrong. Little luxuries are as important as bigger sacrifices. Good thing your phone had to be returned and you got to pay your student loan. But don’t be too hard on yourself. Reward yourself for this big achievement 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, it’s essential but obviously you don’t have to give a constant sacrifice. It’s about choosing the right time! It’s good to treat yourself at times but not constantly indulging 😊 very good thing, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! I will reward myself soon as I feel it is deserved. Thank you for this comment!

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  7. I have sacrificed/not sacrificed a great deal over the years, and I certainly understand; most of it was internal, but I have also had to give up material things as well. It sucks, but sometimes it must be done when the fact cannot be denied.

    Sometimes we have to embrace the things we do not want/like and let go of the things that make us happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you can relate. I would consider myself a poor sacrificer in terms of internal so I can relate to you on that. It’s about accepting and and not allowing yourself to get run down. Great comment!

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  8. Great post, really!
    Before buying something, we should always ask ourselves if we actually need it and, above all, what else we can do with that amount of money. It’s quite obvious to consider every aspect before any purchase, but we are constantly attracted to fancy things without a real meaning – society, as you rightly said. I think we just need to choose better, giving our priorities and possibilities, keeping in mind the satisfaction and gratification we felt after having gained what we bought. This doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a little grant time to time as long as it’s not exaggerated.
    Thank you for this meaningful post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for reading! I agree, it’s good to sit back and really decide whether you can afford something or if you’re spending the money right. It’s all about prioritising. People tend to follow and want to have everything, it’s almost like an acting illusion at times and they put themselves in strain. You couldn’t have said it any better, great comment 😊

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  9. I volunteer and it makes me appreciate what I have. The ability to move around independently and not having to depend on someone like my clients does.
    It actually makes me happy every time I go out to volunteer. I know it’s a day off that I could use to do other stuff like go take photos or go wandering etc but selfish me would rather volunteer.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome! Powerful piece, and completely on target. Sometimes the only way to “win” is to give up something, a “sacrifice.”

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I understand what you are trying to say but rather than labeling it as “sacrifice” I would say listen to your inner voice, that’s what you were uncomfortable with. It was telling you that buying the IPhone was not a good idea right now and you could tell that’s what it was conveying to you by how you were feeling! Trust that “feeling” in all things in your life and do what it’s guiding you to do and you will always be comfortable with your decisions. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone, frankly they are more concerned about themselves and not worried about whether or not you have an IPhone. As far as how we treat others I live by the golden rule…Do onto others as you would want others to do onto you. We should always love, care and respect each other. I don’t know if you are familiar with The Law of Attraction and Abraham/Esther Hicks but you should check it out, I think you will find it fascinating and helpful in your life!! Good luck with your training. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand how sacrifice sounds like a harsh term, I was just trying to get the point across. I’m sure there is a better word haha. I agree with you though and it’s great to get a different approach to it and advice, so thank you! True, as long as you make yourself happy then worry about others shouldn’t even come into play. I’m a big believer in karma so the whole aspect of it’s nice to be nice is something I hold dearly. I’m not familiar but I will look it up! Thanks for this lovely comment 👍🏻

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re so welcome Dean. I just didn’t want you to beat yourself up unnecessarily…glad to hear you won’t!! 🙂
        Yes please do look it up on YouTube, there are so many fascinating videos, I think you will be intrigued. Have a wonderful day!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  11. This is a great lesson. I like how you laid out everything, including the consequences. It’s the consequences that many of us don’t think about (good or bad) before leaping to do what we want.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. It’s all about priorities. You sacrifice one thing(could be a material or personal activities) because it has higher priority than the others. My priority is work. Nothing more than that. No, I’m totally agreed with you. Thanks.
    Stay fit. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. In al honesty, I can’t remember the exact times or situations, but I know that I have sacrificed in life and also have not sacrificed and regretted it. Living in poverty for a good portion of my life, I have noticed in my adult life that sometimes when I get what I deem extra money I want to spend it on myself or those I love. I do remember a time not too long ago when my now fiancé and I forgot that we had a upcoming expense with our then truck and spent some money at a sporting goods shop and then dinner out. We learned that it was a foolish idea. Since the closing of our business we have become a little more frugal but not enough. I will say that my daughter who just came home from Japan has been a great help with getting us back on track as well as God’s influence in my life. We have a wedding to plan, retirement to start saving up for, etc.. so now we are trying to be better about putting money aside and leaving it there no matter what.
    Thank you for sharing such a profound and encouraging post.
    Be well and keep the faith!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure you have and that’s really good to know! That’s a good altruistic quality, it’s nice that you share your wealth and love with others around you. I guess sometimes you don’t even realise until you find out the hard way. It happens to us all! I’m glad you’re going in the right path and it’s very nice of your daughter to lend a helping hand. Your characteristics are obviously rubbing off your daughter, which is brilliant. I hope everything goes well for you in the future. Thank you!


  14. You liked a blog of mine so I wanted to check out yours, I am so glad I did! You nailed this. I forget the big picture or my goals sometimes. I really try to stay on track but my brain, and human nature, bites me once in a while. Looking forward to your posts! Karen

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  15. I’m trying to very much focus on nothing – expecting nothing, accepting nothing… flowing like water, instead of trying to “make” things happen. Giving versus receiving. Sacrifice is a part of that, it’s always choosing right, even if you don’t “like” it or “want” it. It’s hard. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I appreciate your blog and that you are thinking deeply about things. The big picture is definitely something to keep in mind, and I agree that sacrifice is a good thing. Check out Romans 3:25-26. Sacrifice is what God did for us through Jesus. Great post! I will be looking forward to more of your thoughtful insight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s good to hear! Congrats, it’s good to have a degree in your back pocket when the time comes! I can imagine haha, especially when you have all this money at once! Stay strong 😀

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  17. I guess I’ve sacrificed when I know physically (due to health issues) I still went way above and beyond for family and friends….they may not know of the hardship it caused me, but God does, and that’s what really counts in my book. Thanks for recently visiting my site, btw!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, it’s about choosing the right time also and understanding when it’s important to sacrifice. It’s usually the things in life we don’t want to sacrifice that can be the ones we need to give up the most.


  18. I am very impressed that someone as young as you are realised the importance of paying back your loan as the number one priority. Good for you. In the meantime you have a perfectly good phone that works.
    I’ve always had the attitude of waiting to buy something until I had the cash to buy it outright. Maybe because I come from a large family and we never had much spare money, so we were all used to waiting for things we wanted. It makes it all the more sweet for you when you finally do get that phone. 🙂

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    1. Thanks, that means a lot! It was certainly the right thing to do and I gained so much experience from it! It’s important to get priorities correct and luckily enough I did in this case. It’s a good way too live, at least then you won’t be putting yourself in strain. I couldn’t agree more!

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    1. I’d like to think I want it but I can see where you are coming from! You’re talking from experience after all! Thanks, I’m glad I came to the realization!


      1. Lol. There were so many things that I thought I wanted when I really did not have the money to spend. When I got older and had the money, I either did not want it at all or realized the cheaper model or different brand was actually better.

        No matter, later, if you want it, it will still be right there and CHEAPER:)

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      2. We always do tend to want the finer things in life, forgetting that we don’t actually really need them. In regards the phone, I know that I am paying for a brand but I want to indulge for once and I’d like to think I’d enjoy it. Even though the cheaper versions are similar. For sure!

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  19. Dear Dean,

    your post is great and so appropriate to our time! Sacrifice is the necessity of life. Look, nature sacrifices so much for us! We must learn from its experience. Besides the true spiritual growth starts only with sacrificing. My congratulations you’ve realised it! All your life will change for sure! Who knows, you might get the fancy phone you desired so much as a gift sooner or later)))) However by that moment you won’t see any value in it.

    Best regards,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I agree. Sacrifice can be seen everywhere! You never know, I’m going to stay patient and see where things go. Probably not, it’s funny how it works really! Lovely comment!

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